Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Comic Reviews for November 2, 2011

So it was actually a very small week for me...Time to catch up on the old Graphic novels


The Theatre #2
Writer - Raven Gregory
Pencils - Marco Abreu/Novo Malgapo
Colorist - Mark Roberts/Micheal Garcia

Memoirs Of A Serial Writer

Another stellar offering from the great folks at at Zenescope. It is another one and done with a main story sandwiched by the small story at the beginning and end.

The art is just the style that I really enjoy. It is beautifully done, however different it may be from the ultra sexy covers that Zenescope seems to love to put out.

These books will apparently all be a different style. Last month was a zombie comic, this month is more of a suspense book, with a clever ending twist. Possibly a bit of a confusing first read through but much better on the second read through

There will not be a "jumping on" point but it is lots of fun that I will be picking up monthly

Story - B+
Art - A+

DC Comics

Red Lanterns #3
Writer - Peter Milligan
Penciller - Ed Benes
Inker - Rob Hunter
Colorist - Nathan Eyring

Higher Consciousness

Now that is what I am talking about! This book was on the chopping block and if I wouldn't have liked this issue, it was going to be gone... It's safe.

Before there just did not seem to be any reason to care about any of the characters, but now I do.

It turns out that none of the Red Lantern Corps have any more intelligence than a wounded animal really. However, Attrocious threw the very sexy Bleez into a blood pit and she re-acquired her intelligence and cognizance from before she became a Red Lantern.

They are setting up a big war between Attrocious and Bleez that could be epic if the end up playing it out correctly.

Story - A+
Art B+

Batman Detective Comics #3
Writer/Art - Tony Salvador Daniel
Colorist - Tomeu Morey

Cold Blood

This is another book that I have been on the fence about because of last issues non payoff of the skinning of Jokers face but I am back on board.

The problem is that I really can't nail down what I like about this story but it is appealing to me. It is interesting but not so much that I am completely sucked in. But, for whatever reason I am in with an anticipation for next issue.

Writing B
Art - A-

Superman Action Comics #3
Writer - Grant Morrison
Art - Rags Morales

World Against Superman

This is my only Superman book as of now. Lots of history and a whole new twist. This book is just lots of fun to read from the first page to the last.

I am enjoying the semi-slow build that is paced out so well in this book.

Story B
Art - B+

Image Comics

Spawn #213
Writer - Will Carlton
Artist - Szymon Kudranski

To start with, I am so frustrated with the art in this book that is is almost upsetting to me. Why frustrated? Because there are so many moments of jaw dropping art that I could look at all day mixed in with art that just seems lazy to me

I am still trying to immerse myself a bit deeper into the Spawn mythos but I am still a bit confused by the storyline. Although I thought the very last few panels were a stroke of genius that sent chills down my spine

I will stick with this a bit longer

Writing B+
Art A+/C

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