I suppose I should not be writing this before the finale of these books, but to be honest, I wont be buying the rest of them.
I bought all of the first issues of these books, and most of the second issues that are out. I was actually very excited about these books coming out. I want on record talking about it in this blog a few months back. Now, after reading where they are going with these books, I have to ask this question, Why?
These books really don't seem to add anything to the Watchmen mythos in my opinion. For the most part, I actually care less about the characters than when I read the original Watchmen. I thought that I would get some great new prospective on the Comedian. Instead, we get nothing new, other than a perceived crush from him toward JFK and Jackie O giving the order to kill Marilyn. What? Yes you read that right.
Silk Spectre feels almost like reading and adult Archie comic.
Dr. Manhattan was actually fairly well done, but it feels exactly like reading the original. The way they tell has story with the twisted up time frame was well done, but there is absolutely nothing new or different at all.
Night Owl had some OK moments so far but it is nothing that was worth the trouble. It was nice to have a little explanation on how he did get his money and inherited the cowl. This is one of the 2 books that I do plan to keep reading.
Minutemen. Was completely forgettable so far.
Ozymandius. They seem to have put the most thought into this series. This book isn't my cup of tea. I know some people are really digging this one but I find it to be boring.
Rorschach. This is my favorite of the series by far. I would read this book if it was ongoing for years. It really seems to have hit the nail on the head(so far) and is what I was hoping for when I heard about the whole Before Watchmen thing in the first place. Its not trying to make history, it is just a great comic book that is a normal story arc starring an exciting character from the Watchmen.
All in all, these books are not ruining the legacy of the Watchmen. Let's be honest with ourselves, nothing can do that.I still stand by the fact that DC had every right to make this series. Whether it was a good idea or not is up for debate, but honestly, even after not really liking what has come out of it, am glad that they at least tried it.
Wendell can be followed at
@comicnotgeek on Twitter
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