Orchid #2
Writer - Tom Morello
Art - Scott Hepburn
Colorist - Dan Jackson
In a very unique marketing move, that I don't feel is being properly exploited. When you buy this comic, you get a code for a song written by the writer of this book, Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine. The track from this book is mostly a Backing Soundtrack for while you read the book.
I am not sure if i really like this book right now. I am hoping it picks up soon. I would consider it to be on the bubble for me. I don't think it is bad, but I don't know if it is good enough to have to drop another book for it
Story - C+
Art - B+
Ardden Publishing
Knightingale #1
Writer - Wayne Gardiner
Pencils - Maria Fransisco
Inker - Jan Aldequer
Colorist - Katrina Mae Hao
I picked this one up from the cover and when I flipped through it to look at the art, I decided to get it.
The Art is absolutly beautiful. I love it. With that being said, I wont be buying this title again. The story could not hold my interest more than a few pages. I kind of trudged through it but it was nothing I enjoyed at all
Story -D+
Art - A+
DC Comics
Batgirl #3
Writer - Gail Simone
Pencils - Ardian Syaf
Inker- Vicente Cifuentes
Colorist- Adam Hughes
A Breath of Broken Glass
I have to say, I think that I like Barbara more than I like Batgirl. Well, really I do like them both but I like to see where the psyche off Barbara is going. She is so unstable and .... broken.
I am really liking her being so unsure of herself but I don't know how long that can go on and still stay interesting. I do trust Gail Simone to take us on a fantastic journey though and she is doing a good job so far.
I really like the appearance of Nightwing in this issue. I hope he will be a recurring character in the book, like Batman seems to be in the Catwoman series.
Story - A-
Art - B+
Batman & Robin #3
Writer - Peter J Tomasi
Pencils - Patrick Gleason
Inker - Mick Grey
Colorist - John Kalisz
Another great issue. I am so glad I decided to keep this as my main Batbook.
So Batman is protecting this Robin so much more than he has ever protected the other three. Because Damian is his son, it may be clouding his view and I think it is a good thing for Bruce... but is killing Damian inside. That is the main reason I think that Damian had such a great relationship and grew so much under Dick Grayson when he was under the cowl, because Dick treated him the way a Robin is supposed to be treated.
Damian is getting his clock cleaned in this issue and hopefully when he and Batman come out of this, will strenghten them both as a team when Damian realizes he doesn't have all of the awnsers and Bruce realizes he can't hold too tight of a leash on him.
Story - B+
Art -B
Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E
I figured enough was enough and I finally cancelled this subscription..So no review.
Green Lantern #3
Writer - Geoff Johns
Pencils - Doug Mahnke/
Inkers - Kieth Champagne/Mark Irwin/Tom Nguyen/Christian Alamy
Colors - David Baron
On the Run from the Sinestro Corps
Oh..My...Goth. Where do I begin with this? Before I go into details, I will say that this may be THE BEST GREEN LANTERN BOOK I HAVE EVER READ!
Ok, there are about to be major spoilers. I realize I almost always do spoilers but I really hope everyone picks this one up.
There were 2 major reveals and a few less major reveals as well. The first big one comes from the Guardians. They talk about how the Manhunters had Faults. Then they created the Green lantern Corps but they had Faults as well. Now they have decided that they will now create a third Army. I think that this may just tie into the New Guardians. I could see how they may have put it all into motion and want to have a full spectrum force....But that is just my speculation.
The next big reveal happens at the end when Sinestro sends Hal into the main power battery for the Yellow Lanterns to destroy the source of the Sinestro Corps power. When Hal enters, he is disintegrated. It looks like it was not an intentional act by Sinestro. I don't know where they are going to go with this as all, but I want to know.
Story -A++++++++++++++
Art - A-
Huntress #2 (of 6)
Writer - Paul Levits
Pencils- Marcus To
Inker - John Dell
Colorist - Andrew Dalhouse
Crossbow at the Crossroads
This is the most beautiful that I have ever seen the Huntress drawn. Her features are perfect.
We are still in Italy, and I am pretty sure that is where we will remain for the entire Mini-series run.
This feels like it is paced at just the right speed. Very nice balance between action and storyline
Story - B
Art -A
Suicide Squad #3
Writer - Adam Glass
Artist - Jared K Fletcher
Colorist - Val Staples
Mad Dog on the Hunt
Not quite as excited about this title as I have been. There is nothing wrong with it, and it is still a lot better than a lot of the stuff out there, but this just didn't feel like as much fun.
Harley Quinn really stepped out as a white trash goddess. Honestly, I really can't get enough of her as a character. So smart and sexy but rolled into a huge roll of psycho.
Nice character development for Deadshot this issue. He is becoming more and more of a memorable character to me.
I don't really know if I am happy about the two new additions to replace Voltic(who died last issue) and Spider(caught in the middle of an explosion...He may make it if the government doesn't kill him in the hospital). The replaements are Yo-Yo(I have no idea who he is) and Captain Boomerang(one of the more famous villians from the Flash). Waller has given the entire team to Boomerang to be the leader by giving him the remote to blow up anyone on the team that disobeys him. I personally think that it is a rouse and that the remote does nothing.
Story -B
Art -A-
Marvel Comics
Ghost Rider #5
Writer - Rob Williams
Art - Lee Garbett
Colorist - Rob Schwager
So this new Ghost Rider, Alejandra, is begining to grow on me. I still hate her using a Goldwing while she is the spirit of Vengence, but I can overlook it.
It was a one and done issue, which means they will be setting up a new story arc very soon. The last one was begining to feel a bit stale to me so that is a good thing
I am still enjoying the character of Ghost Rider and probably always will. Its great when you can love a character, reguardless of the current story arc, or even a change of character taking over the mantle
Story - B-
Art - B
Wolverine #18
Writer - Jason Aaron
Art - Ron Garney
Colorist - Jason Keith
Goodbye, Chinatown Part 2
While this was not at all a bad week, I felt like it was much less charming than last issue.
We have one more issue in this story arc and then we will have Wolverine back on the East Coast.
Not much to really say in this. Kind of a forgetable issue but still fun
Story - C+
Art - C+
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