This Weeks books were purchased in Las Vegas at Comic Oasis.
A lot of great reads this week but I will give pick of the week to Suicide Squad #6. If you are not reading this book....then you....are....wrong
Bionic Man #6Writer - Kevin Smith/Phil Hester
Art - Jonathan Lau
Colorist - Ivan Nunes
This book was almost all a continuous fight scene. Very well executed. Of course no one won or lost so this can keep going for a while.
The end is a setup to make Jamie, Steve's girlfriend, into the Bionic Woman. It is made pretty obvious when the page before you learn that she is the next target of the Big Baddie, there is an advertisement for the new upcoming series for the Bionic Woman.
I am still really enjoying this book, but I will most likely chop it after Kevin Smith's last issue. I believe that is happening at the end of this arc, but he may stick around one more arc after that as well, but I am not sure. I saw the Green Hornet take a huge nose dive as soon as Smith left and I expect the same of this book. I am trying to cut books after all
Story - B
Art - B+
Batman & Robin #6
Writer - Peter J. Tomasi
Artist - Patrick Gleason
Colorist - John Kalisz
So this book has had me fooled. Yes, Damian is still harboring sociopathic tendencies below the surface, but he does love his father and did not turn on him.
Damn you Bat-Universe. There are too many great bat- books....more than I care to allocate in my budget. I keep trying to cut my books, by a lot, but books like this are making it harder and harder.
I think this should be the end of the flash-backs for a while.
My second favorite of the Bat-books through the last month(first being Batman #5. Lets be honest, that was a stroke of genius that was a one in a million)
As a father myself, the last page was especially haunting when Ducard is talking to Bruce remotely so he can do nothing about it and telling him about how close he is to breaking his sons neck. Chilling. The look on Bruce's face was priceless.
Batgirl #6
Writer - Gail Simone
Artist - Ardian Syaf
Colorist - Ulises Arreola
This was the end of the Gretel story arc. While I usually really enjoy this book as a great bit of escapism, I really wasn't able to remain focused on it at all this issue.
I would hate to see this book go down the tubes. My hopes are that it is a one issue slump.
Joker comes into play next issue, which will be very interesting because of the history between him and Barbra
Green Lantern #6
Writer - Geoff Johns
Artist -Mike Choi
Colorist - Alex Sinclair
Guest Artist Mike Choi gave this book an interesting look, however, as much as I have not been digging the way that Hal has boon looking out of the Green Lantern uniform, Doug Mahnke has a much better feel for the look of the Green Lantern book. Don't get me wrong, the art looks fantastic but it just doesn't look right to me for this book.
With that being said, this book is so beyond good. I don't understand how anyone could not be devouring every issue.
We get to see Hal, happy to be away from his ring, being the man he needs to be with, and for, Carol. It was only a matter of time, however brief, that the ring brought him back.
It is interesting how much Hal and Sinestro always NEED each other. As allies, or as enemies, their worlds revolve around each other way more than either would be willing to admit.
We learn that the first lantern(still don't know who that is) will be leading the new third army.
Huntress #5 (of 6)
Writer - Paul Levitz
Artist - Marcus To
Colorist - Andrew Dalhouse
I am skipping this until next month. I decided that I want to go back and read the whole thing in one sitting, but because next month is the final issue of this (and most likely the swan song for this incarnation of the Huntress because of the Earth 2 ongoing series with that version of the Huntress) I decided to just stockpile it and I will read it all next month and review it as a Graphic novel next month
Suicide Squad #6
Writer - Adam Glass
Artist - Clayton Henry
Colorist - Val Staples
They are doing a lot in this book to attempt to unify the DC universe. I love when they give little footnotes to other books....You don't actually have to read the other books but it is great to have some references and make the DC Universe more fun and accessible. Oh, the foot notes were for Green Arrow, Detective Comics, Storm Watch and Suicide Squad #1.
I can't explain my love for King Shark.
This issue has 2 stories going on.. We have the Suicide Squad chasing after Harley Quinn, and we also have Harley looking for whatever is left of the Joker. I thought that we would have a conclusion the the face skinning of Joker in Detective, but it looks like we will get our answers in Suicide Squad. We also get an origin of sorts of the Harley/Joker love affair. You have to be a hell of a writer to make that mess make sense, and they are pulling it off wonderfully. A great new piece of cannon
Harley is the hottest girl in comics, hands down.
War Goddess #5
Writer - Mike Wolfer
Artist - Andres Ponce
Colorist - Digikore Studios
Starts with creepy naked gargoyles with huge breasts. So far, so good.
Nothing really new in this book as usual. Lot's of T&A, and violence. Its kinda no brain escapism.
Art work is, as always, at a very high standard. It is just really fun to look at.
This will be getting moved to DCBService for my monthly delivery. I like this book but I just don't look forward to it, and with the hefty $3.99 price tag, it is going to have to be waited on, instead of getting it on Wednesday mornings
Deadpool #50
Writer -Daniel Way
Artist - Carlo Barberi
Colorist - Dommo
DEAD Part One
This has the makings of what could end up being my favorite Deadpool arc.....Ever.
There are a ton of "pans on the fire". The writers will definitely have their hands full trying to juggle everything that is put into place.
It seems that there is a Serum that will negate all Mutant abilities and it is a race to the finish to get it.
The players are, Deadpool(he wants to die so hell yes he wants it), Tombstone, the Hand, The Kingpin, Daken, Hydra bob, and the X-Force.
Lots of fun, as a Deadpool book should be.
Scarlet Spider #2
Writer - Chris Yost
Artist - Ryan Stegman
Colorist - Marte Gracia
Why do I like good guys that are not afraid of killing bad guys? Unfortunately, they are giving this guy a little too much of a conscience. Hopefully not too much though.
I have a problem with the bad guy in this book. Way too complicated of a name, Xiuhcoatl.
So is seems that Kaine, the Scarlet Spider has found a new home in Houston and he is accepted with open arms. The cops have already promised him a look the other way policy.
This is a fun book. I wonder where they will take it.
They are not pushing the big Cliff hangers yet. Doing a slow build, but not too slow. I like the way it is paced so far
Venom #13.1
Writer - Rob Williams
Artist - Lee Garbett
Colorist - Rob Schwager
We have our 4 heroes fighting their antitheses. Although this may not be an original idea, it is kind of fun. Perhaps a bit too much a therapy session, but what better way is there to learn about yourself.
The end of this has all of the good guys losing in a very bad way.
I am really not liking Alejandra as the Ghost Rider more and more. Since they did cancel the series, we will most likely not see her again after this mini-series and hopefully they will restart the series with Johnny Blaze back in his proper place. I can see that happening by the last book honestly
The art is very inconsistent.
Woverine and the X-Men
Alpha and Omaga #2(of 5)
Writer - Brian Wood
Artist - Roland Boschi
Colorist - Dan Brown
Here is my problem with this book. Because you know that Wolverine and Armory are in a construct made from Quinten Quire's twisted brain, you know that there is no real danger involved, so all of the cutaway scenes are, in essence, a daydream. I would cut this book if it wasn't for the last page, cause I love it when Logan is Angry and not in his right mind.
It is odd that I like many of the characters, but I could care less about the Xmen. I will not be picking up anymore Xmen titles after this series. Of course, I will be keeping the solo books that I like, IE Wolverine, Deadpool...